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Equity Finance

The process of raising capital through the sale of shares in an enterprise.
Equity Finance News
Generic business image for news article People moves
Brock departs SMBC Nikko Capital Markets

Based in London, Lee Brock has more than three decades of experience in financial services
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Crédit Agricole CIB appoints Jones

Former PASLA chairman Stuart Jones brings over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, including within securities lending, to the role
Generic business image for news article Regulation
IMN: The market has eyes on Asia and Europe for T+1

Panellists at The Beneficial Owners' International Securities Finance & Collateral Management Conference reviewed Europe and Asia’s move to a shorter settlement cycle
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MacKay departs EquiLend

After more than a decade, Iain MacKay, product owner for RegTech and post-trade solutions, will leave EquiLend
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ADIA hires Argane as Investment Manager

Mustapha Argane brings nearly a decade of experience in financial services to his new role
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Allen to leave EquiLend

Laura Allen, head of securities finance platform solutions, will depart EquiLend after almost three years
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Scotiabank hires Baines

Monique Baines brings 30 years of financial industry experience to her role
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Garland leaves SGCIB

Tom Garland spent six years at Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking before departing from his role in securities finance and delta one sales