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28 June 2024
Reporter Carmella Haswell

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EquiLend’s NGT reaches singular day high in notional at US$229 billion

EquiLend’s Next Generation Trading Platform (NGT) reached an all-time new singular day high for securities lending volumes.

The global financial technology, data and analytics firm reported 148,260 trades printed, totalling US$229 billion in notional on Monday, 24 June.

According to the company, the record comes on the back of a “triple witching date” on Friday (21 June), driving US equity activity higher with a 16 per cent increase.

EMEA also grew by 28 per cent in smaller absolute figures, given the continued political uncertainty behind the elections in the UK and France, says Mike Norwood, global trading product owner at EquiLend.

He also reveals that Swedish activity was up 200 per cent (1,500 trades) from Friday, as this market “continues to see capital inflows as a relatively safe harbour right now”.

The spread between US volatility VIX and V2X (EuroStoxx) is relatively high, potentially leading to continued activity elevation in Europe, Norwood notes.

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