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03 January 2013
Reporter Daniel Jackson

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Eurex Repo reaches 222.6 billion

Eurex Repo, which operates Swiss Franc, Euro Repo and GC Pooling markets, reached an average outstanding volume of €222.6 billion across all repo markets in 2013, down from 234.7 billion in 2012. The secured money market GC Pooling hit a new record with an average outstanding volume of €153.8 billion, an increase of 6 percent year-on-year.

The international derivatives markets of Eurex Group ended 2013 with a turnover of approximately 2.2 billion contracts, a reduction of 100 million year-on-year.

The total volume for 2013 is comprised of 1.6 billion contracts traded at Eurex Exchange and 639 million contracts traded at the International Securities Exchange. This corresponds to a daily average trading volume of 8.6 million contracts.

At Eurex Exchange, the equity index derivatives segment was the largest in 2013 with a total yearly volume of 644.8 million contracts, down by 120 million year-on-year.

Derivatives on the EURO STOXX 50 index were the largest single product with 268.5 million futures and 225.1 million options. The equity derivatives segment saw 382.2 million contracts (down from 411 million in 2012).

Higher yearly volumes were recorded in the dividend and volatility derivatives segments: dividend derivatives grew slightly and totalled 7.1 million contracts, an increase of 200,000. Volatility derivatives totalled 7.3 million contracts, an increase of 38 percent.

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Kyle Kolasingh, RBC Investor Services Trust

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