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08 September 2021
Reporter Bob Currie

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ISLA releases adoption guide for its Clause Library and Taxonomy

The International Securities Lending Association (ISLA) will be launching its ISLA Clause Library and Taxonomy during September.

In advance of the launch, the association has released an adoption guide instructing users how to integrate the Clause Library and Taxonomy into their daily working practices, including tools to support the Global Master Securities Lending Agreements (GMSLA) contact lifecycle.

The Clause Library and Taxonomy has grown from feedback provided by ISLA members in last year’s ISLA members’ survey. It provides a collection of clause variants for standard business outcomes for GMSLA 2000, GMSLA 2010 and GMSLA 2018, along with specification of required variables and standard wording.

This step-by-step adoption guide to the Clause Library and Taxonomy is available here.

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