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05 December 2023
Reporter Carmella Haswell

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Planixs releases liquidity data insights solution

Planixs, a provider of real-time, intraday cash, collateral and liquidity management solutions, has launched Realiti Insights.

The new offering is designed to provide accessible and actionable data and analytics, while delivering risk, revenue, regulatory and business resiliency insights.

Realiti Insights will act as an ‘early warning system’ for financial institutions, the firm says, and a platform to identify potential new revenue streams.

It will enable banks, buy-side firms and intermediaries to focus on delivering enhanced value opportunities by liberating “true value from historically disparate and undervalued” data sources, Planixs adds.

Commenting on the launch, Planixs CEO Neville Roberts says: “Not only will Insights power decision making, it can also act as an early warning system for financial institutions, highlighting credit risk and even market sentiment. How Insights is used is limited only by the imagination of the team or department accessing it.

“Insights turns unknowns into knowns and enables the C-suite to extract value from historically siloed, difficult-to-access data sources in real-time, on-demand, without having to depend on technical teams and resources, which are already overstretched in many banks and whose time is better spent on delivering revenue-generating initiatives.”

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