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23 August 2010
New York
Reporter Ben Wilkie

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Dow Hedge Fund Index reports gains

The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index gained 1.59 per cent in July, its highest performance since March 2010.

Key findings from the report include:

Eight-out-of-ten strategies in the Index posted positive performance in July as markets reversed from the May-June slide.

Emerging Markets and Long/Short Equity were the best performers in the Index on the back of the rebound in the equities markets, posting 3.52 per cent and 2.53 per cent respectively.

Event Driven recovered from its May and June losses posting positive performance of 1.81 per cent for the month. The Risk Arbitrage subsector provided the best returns as a result of increased M&A activity globally.

Global Macro performance (+ 0.65 per cent) was more subdued than in previous months as reversals in key themes acted against many managers' long gold and short euro positions.

Managed Futures (-1.52 per cent) and Dedicated Short Bias (-3.52 per cent) were the only two sectors to post negative performance in July.

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