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07 September 2010
Reporter Ben Wilkie

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Business grows at Clearstream

Securities held under custody in Clearstream's international business experienced a rise of eight per cent from EUR5.5 trillion in August 2009 to EUR5.9 trillion in August 2010 while domestic German securities held under custody decreased by two per cent from EUR5.1trillion in August 2009 to EUR5.0 trillion in August 2010.

In August 2010 2.73 million international transactions were processed, a 17 per cent increase over August 2009 (2.33 million). Of all international transactions, 75 per cent were OTC transactions and 25 per cent were registered as stock exchange transactions.

On the German domestic market, settlement transactions reached 6.00 million, four per cent more than in August 2009 (5.78 million). Of these transactions, 68 per cent were stock exchange transactions and 32 per cent OTC transactions.

For Global Securities Financing (GSF) services, the monthly average outstanding reached EUR525.2 billion. The combined services, which include triparty repo, securities lending and collateral management, collectively experienced a rise
of nine per cent over August 2009 (EUR479.8 billion).

In the Investment Funds services, 394,815 transactions were processed, a 24 per cent increase over August 2009 (317,246).

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Steve Everett, Head of Post Trade Innovation, TMX

Justin Lawson speaks with Steve Everett, head of Post Trade Innovation at TMX on why the Canadian Collateral Management Service is important, the diversity of participants represented for customers and how this is an improvement on the traditional triparty experience

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