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02 March 2012
Reporter Anna Reitman

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OneChicago posts February figures

OneChicago has announced that EFPs and blocks in February 2012 came in at 204,835 traded representing more than $1.3 billion in notional value. This is down from January's amounts, when 262,532 EFPs and blocks were traded representing more than $1.6 billion notional, however, looking year-on-year, blocks increased 187 per cent.

The equity exchange saw a total of 237,197 security futures contracts traded in February, compared to 301,804 in January. 56,170 February 2012 futures valued at more than $490 million were taken to delivery.

Open interest stood at 392,732 contracts on the exchange at the end of February 2012 and 37 per cent of month-end open interest was in OCX.NoDivRisk products.

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