CASLA conference chair Mary Jane Schuessler explains what the association will be focusing on this year and discusses the main market drivers for the rest of the year
After going live over two years ago, David Raccat explains how Wematch has successfully extended its scope of products to a whole range of securities financing structures
OCC’s Matt Wolfe explains why working together is in the best interest for everyone as it is important to ensure stability and market integrity while enabling innovation
Peter Rippon of OpenGamma discusses what firms should be doing to prepare for the upcoming initial margin deadlines and what challenges asset managers and pensions funds face
While the Asian markets are still seen as emerging marketplaces, Paul Solway of BNY Mellon explains the market in Asia will continue to grow with nine securities lending markets and a further two with potential
J.P. Morgan’s Andrew Bates and Tony Georgievski discuss attitudes towards securities lending in Australia, market trends and what to expect for the rest of this year and beyond