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Donato D’Eramo

Technology played a big part in the development of Canada’s securities lending market last year. Donato D’Eramo of CASLA reveals what trends to expect this year


Daniel Dorenbush

Daniel Dorenbush of Scotiabank discusses how the CSA’s proposed rules to modernise investment funds will affect the Canadian market

BNP Paribas

Pierre Brun and Martin Caupin

Pierre Brun, head of digital transformation, and Martin Caupin, head of innovation, analytics lab, at BNP Paribas explain how the evolution of technology allows for increased efficiency


David Raccat and Rudy Perez

David Raccat and Rudy Perez of Wematch.SecuritiesFinancing discuss the company’s new Delta One platform


Matt Wolfe

As the US securities lending market reached an all-time high of $19 trillion, Matt Wolfe of OCC discusses how the central clearing space has evolved


Steve Swain

Steve Swain, CEO of Lendingblock, explains how the company’s platform is bringing securities lending to the new world of the crypto economy

Societe Generale

William Gow and Nicholas Gant

William Gow and Nicholas Gant of Societe Generale discuss the benefits of moving to a more centralised clearing approach and the changing demands of the European securities lending market

International Securities Lending Association

Sejal Amin

Sejal Amin, head of membership services at the International Securities Lending Association, explains the association’s plans for 2018 and beyond


Roy Zimmerhansl

Roy Zimmerhansl of HSBC discusses how the future is looking for securities lending in Hong Kong and what lies in store for 2018


Zubair Nizami

Zubair Nizami, head of Asian securities lending trading at BBH, gives his view on regulatory challenges, potential opportunities and his outlook on 2018


Jeff Kidwell

Jeff Kidwell of AVM discusses his career in the securities lending industry and how the market has evolved since he started 35 years ago