Canada’s move to a T+2 settlement cycle is nearing. Lou Lesnika, assistant vice president of trade settlements at CIBC Mellon, explains what there is left to do
As the market continues to develop, the country’s banks are putting more focus on growing their businesses south of the border and internationally. Donato D’Eramo of RBC Investor & Treasury Services and the Canadian Securities Lending Association explains what’s to come for Canada
Guy Usher, one of the masterminds behind Fieldfisher’s new legal documentation platform for securities finance and derivatives, explains what Condor Alternative Legal Solutions can do at a time of regulatory upheaval
Jerry Friedhoff, managing director of securities finance and collateral management at Broadridge, explains how an efficient technology infrastructure can be the salvation of securities lending participants
Anthony Caserta and Dennis Shikar of Natixis explain how the bank’s stable of products can help its clients to navigate the challenges they face in this space