Following clients’ demands for a consolidated trading system to enable increased executions, EquiLend has unveiled NGT. Global product owner Dow Veeranarong explains the ins and outs
Armed with its new product, OneChicago’s David Downey says that securities lending customers will soon be able to meet the same demands as before, with the luxury of cutting out any intermediaries
Markit managing director of securities finance Pierre Khemdoudi provides an update on a key collateral initiative that will be presented at the Securities Finance Forum in London, and runs through the discussion points
Solutions exist that can help hedge funds to acclimatise to the new regulatory environment without distracting from their core functions, says Stephen Casner of HazelTree
Robert Crossen, cash management officer at the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office, outlines what will preoccupy beneficial owners in 2015 and what the future holds for indemnification, ahead of IMN’s international securities lending and collateral management conference in San Francisco