Blaine Hurty will head the firm’s capital introduction function after his instrumental work in building the business as a “significant value-add” for Clear Street clients
The CCMS collateral solution is targeted for Q3 2023 and will deliver improved automation, optimisation and collateral mobilisation, while bringing domestic triparty repo to the Canadian market for the first time
DRW and Societe Generale become latest banks to trade on Broadridge’s Distributed Ledger Repo platform, following first cross-border trades executed in April
The integration aims to allow users of the two firms to collaborate in real time without reverting to “slow traditional methods” such as phone or email
Securities finance and post-trade specialist Craig Kinart steps into the post-trade team at the Canadian Depository for Securities as senior manager for strategy and innovation
The joint venture will see the firms participate in the public procurement procedure to become a fixed income consolidated tape provider in the European Union
The LSEG-owned swap clearing house migrated contracts from LIBOR to SOFR in two tranches completed on 22 April and 20 May, representing a total US$43 trillion in aggregate notional
Prompt action is necessary to enhance reporting from NBFIs and to establish better data for monitoring leverage and risk concentrations, according to the UK financial regulator