David Petrie, managing partner at 4M Group LLC, has become a sales channel partner in the US for FinOptSys, taking on the position of advisor and business development partner
The Amsterdam-based clearing house reports that it is the first non-UK CCP to be granted permanent recognition by the Bank of England, having been a participant in the UK’s Temporary Recognition Regime from 2020
The Bank began the sell-off of these temporary holdings on 29 November through a series of reverse enquiry windows, yesterday completing the sale of £12.1 billion in long-dated conventional gilts and £7.2 billion in index-linked gilts
The authority has recommended ISO-standard digital token identifier codes for use in its distributed ledger technology pilot regulatory regime, which comes into force 23 March 2023
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System has printed its first trade with a large global bank on the GLMX money market electronic trading platform, becoming the first US public pension fund to use the technology
Giordano Albertazzi will aim to increase Vertiv’s customer focus as the firm addresses the infrastructure and business needs of the data centre, communication networks and industrial applications
The Uptevia joint venture, which has received approval from the regulatory and competition authorities and was founded on 1 January 2023, aims to be the leading issuer services provider in France and ultimately across Europe
The Paris-based banking group indicates that this investment will help it to bring the latest technology, data and workflow tools to clients in an effort to shorten settlement cycle, manage collateral requirements and reduce transaction costs