21 June 2024Switzerland Reporter: Carmella Haswell
Upcoming regulation remains a key focus for market participants as firms struggle to solve for Basel III Endgame binding constraints, and as repo markets are set to face the inbound US Treasury clearing mandate
With the growing complexity of global politics, Stephen Fisher, global head of government and public affairs at Deutsche Bank, attempted to bring some clarity to this year's ISLA conference
Some of the industry’s most influential associations were represented at the ISLA conference this week on the ‘Industry Associations’ Update: Finding Common Ground’ panel
21 June 2024Switzerland Reporter: Carmella Haswell
Speakers at this year’s ISLA conference discussed the association’s expansion into the Middle East, as well as the key milestones and various phases the entity has put in place
In a breakout discussion at the ISLA conference, discussion surrounding Basel Endgame seemed to draw on a notable theme — it is somewhat of a misnomer, as there really will be no actual end
21 June 2024Switzerland Reporter: Carmella Haswell
In the session entitled ‘ISLA Strategic Priorities 2024 & Beyond’, ISLA CEO Andrew Dyson provided an overview of in-flight and imminent events set to impact the industry
The partnership aims to improve transparency through the creation of a core reference data set based on open data principles and made available as a public good
Based in Singapore, Bradley Szu-Tu will be responsible for managing and growing Delta Capita’s CLM business across consulting, services, and technology